Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday Digest 04.26.2020

Sunday Digest 2019-20
Any questions? Please reach out to us:
Or Call us:
201-448-7573 (Mr. Stanton)
201-448-7947 (Mr. Cabrera)
201-706-7494 (Ms. Mimi)
201-855-6582 (Mrs. Davenport)


(Note: Confirm with your child's teacher that you need this)
Available at all meal distribution sites (3, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 34, 37, 38, 40, 41, LHS)
(Note: If your child is already a Cordero Student, you don't need to do this)

The YMCA Program has begun after-school programming this week. Please check out their options here:

Does your child/children want to lead the school in morning exercises digitally? Please visit this form and upload your child or children doing the pledge of allegiance and mottos. They will be selected at random and shared with the entire Cordero Community. Note, you must have a google account to do so, you will need to consent to the video being shared. The video cannot be bigger than 100MB. 

Please note that our teachers are available for assistance. Please refer to the emails above. 

Want to share your child’s completed work with a teacher? Here are some support videos. 

Our first distribution of chromebooks is set for May 5th. This distribution will be based upon the initial list we sent to central office for students grades 3 and up only. A schedule will be sent out by the end of this week and all parents will be notified through phone call, robocall and email. Please note that if your child is not on the first distribution list, you will not be able to pick up a chromebook at that time. If you have requested a chromebook from your child's teacher or Mr. Stanton, please feel free to ask if your child is on the first distribution list. The date for the second round of distribution has not been established. 

In the meantime, you can complete the district loan agreement. It will be needed for chromebook pickup. It is available here:

Updated 2020-2021 Registration Information

Documents Needed are listed on these websites.

2020-2021 Online Pre-K Registration (Turning 3 or 4 before 10/1/2020)
Online registration for Cordero Pre-K is currently open and will close May 8, 2020.  You must live within the Cordero district in order to register at Cordero.
2020-2021 Online Registration - Kindergarten (Born on or before 10/1/2015)
Online registration for the 2020-2021 School Year for Kindergarten through Grade 12 is now
accessible on the website – “Schools” then “Registration Information” then “Online Registration during COVID-19”.  

Online registration for the 2020-2021 School Year for Kindergarten through Grade 12 is now
accessible on the website – “Schools” then “Registration Information” then “Online Registration during COVID-19”.  

Please note that if a student has already registered at Cordero prior to the stay at home order, they do not have to do the online registrations. 

Any student currently enrolled in our school does not need to do this. 

Any student busing to another Jersey City Public School Pre-K site (i.e. PS 22, PS 3) does not need to do this. 

Any students entering K-8 in 2020-2021 coming from other public schools around the city (through the open enrollment process) must do the online registrations and submit the completed open enrollment form to the following email address: (attached).

All questions can be directed to

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday Digest 4-19-2020

Sunday Digest 2019-20
Staff Emails
Any questions? Please reach out to us:
Or Call us:
201-448-7573 (Mr. Stanton)
201-448-7947 (Mr. Cabrera)
201-706-7494 (Ms. Mimi)
201-855-6582 (Mrs. Davenport)


The YMCA Program has begun after-school programming this week. Please check out their options here:

Does your child/children want to lead the school in morning exercises digitally? Please visit this form and upload your child or children doing the pledge of allegiance and mottos. They will be selected at random and shared with the entire Cordero Community. Note, you must have a google account to do so, you will need to consent to the video being shared. The video cannot be bigger than 100MB. 

Please note that our teachers are available for assistance. Please refer to the emails above. 

Want to share your child’s completed work with a teacher? Here are some support videos. 

The district is developing a schedule for distribution of chromebooks for next week. Once I have the schedule I can share it with you. If your child has been signed up to receive one. The district has developed a loan agreement to be completed prior to pick up. It is available here:

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sunday Digest 04.12.2020 - Happy Easter!

Retired Math Teacher, Mrs. Anne Raitano passed Thursday morning. There are so many of you whose closeness to her makes this exceptionally tragic after a very long battle with cancer. 
I am thankful for the time I had to share with Anne. She's a fighter and every time I spoke with her since she retired she never let the fight go. I am privileged to have known her and been able to spend time with her. To me, she was an encourager, a truth-teller and did not mince words. She was a great teacher, colleague and I am sure a fantastic mother. There is so much more that can be said and done so much better than I have done, but please keep her family (husband Paul, sons Joe and Chris) in your prayers. 

Try to hug your family a little tighter this week and enjoy your time off. Here's a simple video from my family to yours. Once details for after break surface, I will share them. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday Digest 04.05.2020

Sunday Digest 2019-20
Staff Emails
Any questions? Please reach out to us:
Or Call us:
201-448-7573 (Mr. Stanton)
201-448-7947 (Mr. Cabrera)
201-706-7494 (Ms. Mimi)
201-855-6582 (Mrs. Davenport)

Many staff members send their greetings. Mr. Cabrera set up a flipgrid for staff to share their hellos and messages. Please review it here. Thanks for helping us connect Mr. Cabrera! 

Our teachers are connecting with our students. Please t
ake a look at the schedule for your child's teacher. It can be found here:

The YMCA Program has begun afterschool programming this week. Please check out their options here:

Does your child/children want to lead the school in morning exercises digitally? Please visit this form and upload your child or children doing the pledge of allegiance and mottos. They will be selected at random and shared with the entire Cordero Community. Note, you must have a google account to do so, you will need to consent to the video being shared. The video cannot be bigger than 100MB. 

Please note that our teachers are available for assistance. As we continue working from home, more instruction will need to be done digitally. The district is creating solutions so all students can access instruction and documents needed once Spring Break has ended. More information will be made available when we receive it and concrete plans for Cordero are complete.

This week, students should have complete packets and teachers should be connecting with your child with further assignments. I have encouraged teachers to connect their learning with the family this week as we head into Spring Break. Please be reminded that the district is still maintaining Spring Break as scheduled as well as a half day session on Thursday. One thing to be thankful for is that I won't send a robocall reminding you of a half-day on Thursday! 

In times like these, I find that the practice of gratitude helps to bring some balance to an uncomfortable situation. Research says a lot about practicing gratitude. While we don't know how long the stay at home order will remain in effect, we can be grateful for a number of things. For one, I am thankful to have my family under one roof. I am thankful for such a committed group of teachers, paraprofessionals and support staff that care about your children. They are working incredibly hard to meet your child where they are all the while they also balance their own families and situations related to COVID-19. I am grateful for my needs being met and time to reflect on what it is I truly need. If you have trouble meeting your needs, please reach out and we can direct you to whatever services we are aware of. Please note that meals will continue to be distributed this week at school and many more locations across the city. The district intends to continue this through Spring Break but has not set out its plan. Once they do, we will share it here and via robocall. 

I'm also thankful to enjoy my family in new and lost ways. When school time ends, being able to play games or have a conversation over StoryCubes has been life-giving (If you haven't tried it, please check them out, they bring out so much from each and everyone). My kids are doing a lot of school work and they are certainly feeling it. I try to provide some breaks and space for them to get the work done in a time that is healthy for them. I encourage you to do so with your family. 

Here's a simple introductory video for Storycubes. Much more on their website.

Try it out:

Create a story using all or some of the cubes above. The story could be funny, talk about your feelings, answer a question or any other way you want to do. Feel free to share your stories with us @ 

How are you doing? What are you doing to stay sane? Feel free to give us some feedback, our emails, and phone numbers are available on the Sunday Digest Blog! 

We want to hear about how you're helping your community!

We want to thank the PTA and JCEA-led organization of food for first responders and hospital staff. We'd also like to highlight a mask making effort by the Snyder High School Fashion Department. Learn more about it here!