Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday Digest 4-19-2020

Sunday Digest 2019-20
Staff Emails
Any questions? Please reach out to us:
Or Call us:
201-448-7573 (Mr. Stanton)
201-448-7947 (Mr. Cabrera)
201-706-7494 (Ms. Mimi)
201-855-6582 (Mrs. Davenport)


The YMCA Program has begun after-school programming this week. Please check out their options here:

Does your child/children want to lead the school in morning exercises digitally? Please visit this form and upload your child or children doing the pledge of allegiance and mottos. They will be selected at random and shared with the entire Cordero Community. Note, you must have a google account to do so, you will need to consent to the video being shared. The video cannot be bigger than 100MB. 

Please note that our teachers are available for assistance. Please refer to the emails above. 

Want to share your child’s completed work with a teacher? Here are some support videos. 

The district is developing a schedule for distribution of chromebooks for next week. Once I have the schedule I can share it with you. If your child has been signed up to receive one. The district has developed a loan agreement to be completed prior to pick up. It is available here:

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